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Dewsbury League

DDCL – Cup Competition


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Dewsbury and District League – 8 a Side Fixtures Season 2023

DDCL 8 a side Fixtures

8 a Side 1 day CompetitionGroup A Group BAMYA GujarkhanKlassic PKWAFriends XI KKKashmir Jhelum   Group A Matches   AMYAvKlassicFriends XIvKashmirKlassicvFriends XIKashmirvAMYAAMYAvFriends XIKashmirvKlassic   Group B Matches   GujarkhanvPKWAKKvJhelumPKWAvKKJhelumvGujarkhanPKWAvJhelumKKvGujarkhan   Semi Finals   Group A – Position 1vGroup B – Position 2Group B – Position 1vGroup A – Position 2   Final v 

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Dewsbury and District – T20 Fixtures Season 2023

DDCL T20 Fixtures

T20 Quarter Finals – Sunday, 18th June 2023GroupHome AwayAKKvKlassicBJhelumvKashmirCFriends XIvAMYADGujarkhanvPKWA T20 Semi Finals – 18th June 2023 Home Away FriendsvPKWA JhelumvKK    T20 Final – 29th August 2023PKWA v Jhelum

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Dewsbury and District – Cup Fixtures Season 2023

DDCL Cup Fixtures V2

Cup Quarter Finals – 4th June 2023GroupHome AwayWKKvGujarkhanXJhelumvKlassicYPKWAvFriends XIZKashmirvAMYA    Cup Semi Finals – 16th July 2023 Home Away PKWAvKashmir KKvJhelum    Cup Final – 6th August 2023PKWA v KK

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PKWA Cup Champions – Season 2021

Dewsbury news

PKWA win cup final by 38 against Klassic. The performance with the bat from Aamir Malik (50) and Zohaib Raja (4 for 15) with the ball secured the cup win for their team. PKWA CC Cup Winner Season 2021 Zohaib Raja Man of the Match – Cup Final Season 2021

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Dewsbury and District Cricket League – 8 a side Competition

Dewsbury news

Ishtiaq Ghaffar Memorial Trophy sponsored by PKWA Cricket Club Ishtiaq Ghaffar The draws for the 8 a side competition were completed yesterday at the committee meeting and the rules of the competition were agreed. The normal rules of cricket shall apply, subject to additional rules for the competition which may be amended as required Players must be registered members of …

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Dewsbury and District CL – T20 Fixtures 2021

T20 Fixtures v1

 Week 17Sunday15/08/2021 Quarter Finals  1Klassicv Friends XI2AMYAv Gujarkhan3KKv PKWA4Kashmirv AzadWeek 18Sunday22/08/2021Semi Finals  1v34v2Final  PKWA v Kashmir

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Dewsbury and District CL – Cup Fixtures 2021

Cup Fixtures v2

 Week 8Sunday20/06/2021 Cup Quarter Finals1PKWAv KK2Kashmirv Friends XI3Klassicv Gujarkhan4Azadv AMYAWeek 12Sunday18/07/2021Cup Semi FinalsKlassicvKashmirAzadvPKWAWeek 15Sunday01/08/2021Cup FinalKlassicvPKWA

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Dewsbury Super League – T20 Fixtures 2020 – CANCELLED

T20 Fixtures v1

Sunday, July 5th – 1st RoundAGujarkhan StarvKlassicBFriends XIvAzadSunday, July 5th – 2nd RoundCWinners of BvScout HillDAMYA YorkshirevPKWAEWinners of AvKashmirFKKvNew SanamSunday, August 23rd – T20 Semi FinalsGWinners of DvWinners of CHWinners of FvWinners of ESunday, August 23rd – T20 FinalWinners of GvWinners of H

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Dewsbury Super League – Cup Fixtures 2020 – CANCELLED

Cup Fixtures v2

Wednesday/Thursday, June 3rd/4th – Cup 1st RoundAKashmirvAzadBAMYA YorkshirevGujarkhan StarSunday, June 21st – Cup 2nd RoundCKKvScout HillDWinners of AvPKWAENew SanamvWinners of BFFriends XIvKlassicSunday, July 19th – Cup Semi FinalsGWinners of CvWinners of CHWinners of EvWinners of FSunday, August 9th – Cup FinalWinners of GvWinners of H

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Dewsbury Super League – Fixture 2020

League Fixtures

PLEASE NOTE LEAGUE MATCHES START AT 1.30 PM EXCEPT APRIL AND SEPTEMBER (START AT 1.00 PM) Sunday, August 2nd (Match 1)Friends XIvKashmir KlassicvKKNew SanamvAMYA YorkshirePKWAvScout HillSunday, August 2nd (Match 2)Scout HillvNew SanamAMYA YorkshirevKlassicKKvFriends XIKashmir vPKWASunday, August 9th (Match 3)Friends XIvAMYA YorkshireKlassicvScout HillNew SanamvPKWAKashmir vKKSunday, August 9th (Match 4)New SanamvKashmir PKWAvKlassicScout HillvFriends XIAMYA YorkshirevKKSunday, August 16th (Match 5)Friends XIvPKWAKlassicvNew SanamKKvScout HillKashmir vAMYA YorkshireSunday, August 16th (Match …

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