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Update – New members applications and AGM

The success of season 2023 has continued to the attraction new clubs to be part of the best Sunday cricket league in Yorkshire and beyond. One of the our leagues mission statement is to achieve growth, we aimed to have 40 member clubs by the end of the 5th season which we have almost achieved. We ended our 4th season this year and now have 39 member clubs after accepting all 5 new applicant on Friday night. We now only have one vacancy left and if anyone is interested to becoming a member of the league they must apply no later than the 31st December 2023. Once we have 40 member clubs the league will not take any new applications going forward.

The committee met all five new applicants who expressed their desire and enthusiasm to be a member of the league for season 2024. All five applications attract new players to the league from Leeds, Huddersfield, Halifax and Bradford.

List of new clubs – Season 2024

  • Leeds Stars CC (Leeds)
  • Nathia United (B) 2nd XI CC (Halifax and Bradford)
  • Hanover CC (Bradford)
  • United Friends CC (Leeds)
  • Northcliffe CC (Huddersfield and Bradford)

We are confident all five new member clubs will enjoy their forthcoming season and have no doubt they will improve the standard of cricket in both Jinnah and Star Section, particularly as one of the new members, United Friends CC who played at the Scarborough T100 YCF finalist competition representing Leeds in September 2023 beat our representative team, Whiterose in the final.

Annual General Meeting – Update

With 32 members in attendance out of 34 at the AGM held on the 7th November 2023 the election of committee members and the constitution was discussed.

Committee Members elected for Season 2024 and 2025

  • Executive Chairperson – Basharat Hussain
  • Executive Vice Chairperson – Mohammed Amir Majid
  • Executive Chief Officer – Muhammad Maan
  • Executive Results and Registration Officer – Methab Afzal
  • Executive Finance Officer – Adil Mehmood
  • Executive Umpires Officer – Faisal Ali Saddique
Proposed ConstitutionOutcome
Only 2 amateur oversea players (registered as an overseas player for any affiliated Saturday League) allowed to take part in each gamepassed
Only 4 overseas amateur players (registered as an overseas player for any affiliated Saturday League) can register with each club.passed
To allow one oversea player to register and play regardless of status, eg. First Class or AmateurRed Cross
Qualifying oversea players can only transfer in season if the player registers with a club in a different sectionpassed
Registration restriction for the first class players should be reduced to 3 yearsRed Cross
Home team to provide free teasRed Cross
Consider renaming the Section – Premier, Championship, League 1, and League 2.
(NB. It was agree that for clarity we would add an extension name to the sections to make it clearer for new members)
Red Cross
Play Cricket Live scoring to be made compulsory for all fixturespassed
Coloured clothing to be worn by all clubs for all cup gamesRed Cross
Introduction of prize money for cup competitionsRed Cross
Simplification of the point system (no bonus points)Red Cross
A player arriving late to be allowed to participate in any game providing the umpires are informed before the start of the match and the player arrives before the final over of the first inningsRed Cross
Top two teams in each Jinnah and Star Section to be promoted to Crescent Section and 4 bottom of the table teams relegated from Crescent Section.Red Cross
Review Umpires Fee – £45.00 each and £60.00 (double end)passed
Player Registration relating to play cricket process to be challenged before the
commencement of the match
In line with domestic and International ODI for every over bowled after 3 hours by
fielding side they lose the right to field up to 5 fielders outside the 30 yards inner
circle. For every over the fielding side will be required to bring 1 fielder in the 30 yard circle for each over bowled after 3 hours and 5 penalty run (determined by the umpire) for batter(s) wasting time
Play cricket match analysis – All match analysis will be lock after the approval deadlinepassed

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