The committee meet via video call today to draw the teams for both Crescent and Star Sections.
The committee appointed a panel to process new applications in September 2020 and four out of five clubs met the league’s criteria and have now been successful in joining the league for season 2021. In line with the league’s mission statement and core values three out of the four clubs are newly founded clubs and it is with recognition that the league has been given the opportunity to work with all the four clubs to better cricket and the promote cricket within their local communities.
The following four clubs were successful with their application.
Mylahore Cricket Club, Bradford – was one of the first application to be received. The club previously played in the Quaid e Azam Sunday Cricket League but applied to the league for better standard of cricket and quality of grounds.

Khan 2nd XI Cricket Club, Bradford – After a successful 2020 season for the first team who won the Crescent and Star Section Championship in season 2020 the demand to play for the first team in the Premier Section is unprecedented. The surplus of players encouraged the club management enter a second team to support the local community and to continue promoting to young players.

Leeds Stallion Cricket Club, Leeds – The club has played local friendly games and took the decision to join league cricket. The club expressed their interest in joining the league based on the high standard of cricket played in the league and the feedback from existing members. As a new formed club the league will support the club on improving its governance of the club.

AQ Khan Cricket Club, Leeds – The club also played local friendly games and took the decision to join league cricket. Some of the members played in the Dewsbury and District Cricket League and also expressed their interest in joining the league based on the high standard of cricket played in the league as well as the feedback from existing members. The league will also support the club with its governance of the club.