Internal Transfers
The deadline for players to transfer from one Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League club to another ends midnight on the 30th June 2021. Players who received a transfer during this season will not be able to seek another transfer due to rule 10d.
The deadline for Dewsbury and District Cricket League internal player transfer is 31st July 2021 as is the player registration deadline.
Affiliated Sunday League club to another Sunday League
Where a player is a bona-fide playing member of two or more clubs affiliated to Member Leagues then the Player can only be registered by one club and will be regarded as being registered as a Player for the first such Club he plays for in any season. The transfer requirements of these rules must be met before the player can play for another club affiliated to a Member League.
All transfer of Players between clubs in different Leagues must be carried on YCB Player Transfer Forms or via transfer on Play-Cricket. This will operate throughout the year.
Forms must be signed by the player, the Secretary of the present club, then sent to the Secretary of the new intended club, signed by him/her and forwarded to the League Secretary of the new Club.
In any event, all Clubs are advised to check that any player joining them at any stage has fulfilled all his obligations to his previous club and this is best done by requesting a clearance certificate on all occasions. This applies throughout the year.