Breaking News

League Updated

The extended deadline for the 8 member clubs who did not attend the follow on AGM on the 26th November 2019 ended on Monday, 2nd December 2019. The following clubs did not make contact with the Executive Chief Officer and are no longer members of the Quaid e Azam SCL.

Keighley RZM CC, Earl Mountbatten CC, My Lahore CC, Azad CC, Salem Athletic CC and Shaheen CC

As agreed at the meeting if any of the above named clubs wish to re-apply they would have to join the league in the lower section. For clarity of player registration relating to the above clubs the league will not require a transfer if any player wishes to register with a members club of Quaid e Azam SCL unless the player registers and plays within another YCB affiliated league.

The Executive Committee met yesterday to discuss the new applications. Both DMS CC and Attock Tigers CC applications were successful and will be joining the league for season 2020. We have now received further applications which will be process quickly in order for the committee to finalise the fixtures for season 2020.

The committee will meet with Dewsbury and District League to discuss the potential merger during week commencing 16th December 2019.

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