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League Update – Player Registration (New process)

We have had busy few weeks preparing for the forthcoming season which is now only 2 weeks away.

At the league’s pre-season meeting on the 14th March 2023 it was agreed that the league’s constitution for players photographs will be maintained and requires all players to registers with ECB play-cricket before they can be registers with the league. Players on the club registration without a photograph will NOT be able to play any games until they have registered and agreed to sharing their photograph to comply with the ECB play cricket GDPR policy and the leagues constitution.

The list below shows which teams have registered players with photographs. 5 teams has not taken any action over the past 3 months, it is urgent that you encourage your players to register this week and ensure all players you wish to play have their photograph displayed on your club website.

As agreed at the preseason meeting, clubs will have the right to claim points if the club they play against plays a player without photograph. There will no no exceptions.

Premier Section – For assistance contact Faisal
Member ClubNumber of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (10th April 2023)
Number of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (16th April 2023)
AK Eagles CC – 1st XI26/2728/29
Bhalot Strikers CC – 1st XI23/2324/24
Bradford Moor YCA – 1st XI21/4321/42
Darulshafa CC – 1st XI21/4124/43
Great Horton Sports CC – 1st XI11/5720/59
Heaton Park CC, Yorkshire – 1st XI17/2417/20
Karmand CC – 1st XI36/3736/37
Kashmir (Dewsbury) CC – 1st XI25/4229/44
Rising Stars CC – 1st XI29/3029/29
White Rose CC – 1st XI9/3021/29
Crescent Section – For assistance contact Maan
Member ClubNumber of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (10th April 2023)
Number of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (16th April 2023)
Diamond CC – 1st XI11/2711/24
Kings XI Lahore CC – 1st XI1/211/13
Leeds Stallions CC – 1st XI4/305/7
Nafees CC – 1st XI17/2420/25
Nathia United CC – 1st XI17/3419/35
Rajput CC – 1st XI3/3328/33
Scouthill CC – 1st XI25/4323/45
Subhan CC – 1st XI23/2423/24
TABS CC – QAE XI1/1915/34
Yorkshire Lions CC – 1st XI1/1612/25
Jinnah Section – For assistance contact Methab
Member ClubNumber of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (10th April 2023)
Number of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (16th April 2023)
AQ Khan CC – 1st XI0/160/15
Bradford Riders CC – 1st XI17/1717/17
Central Leeds CC – 1st XI17/1817/20
Chach CC – 1st XI16/3728/37
Khan CC, QEA – 1st XI0/160/16
Mirpur Royals CC – 1st XI18/2019/22
Wakefield Stars CC – 1st XI16/3020/28
Star Section – For assistance contact Bash
Member ClubNumber of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (10th April 2023)
Number of players with photo/
Total listed players on club website (16th April 2023)
A.M.Y North East CC – 1st XI18/3022/24
Bradford United CC – 1st XI4/5915/37
CAX’S XI CC – 1st XI17/1718/18
Friends CC, Yorkshire – 1st XI8/2415/37
Ghourghushti XI CC – 1st XI12/1414/16
Indus Bradford CC – 1st XI14/3626/44
Northcliffe CC – A17/1717/17

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