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League tops 200+ new player registrations

With just three more days to register players to qualify for the first league game, the daily number of player registrations is increasing at a faster rate and could surpass 400+ by the end of the month. With the leagues 2nd season since its inauguration it’s achieving its mission statement and core values for promoting cricket in the region.

As we have 7 new members clubs it is important to familiarise them with the league constitution.

League Constitution (extract) – Registration of Players.

Rule 9.

Registration of players will only be accepted on league website online registration system. An unlimited number of players may be registered by a member club, however, if the member club has more than 50 players registered in any particular season a charge of £1.00 will apply for each player thereafter.

Rule 9e.

Players must be registered with the league by Thursday, 5.00pm before they can participate in the following Sunday/Monday matches at the earliest. Registration of new players will cease after 31st July.

Rule 10a.

No transfer will be accepted after 30th June. Transfer will only be accepted on the league online registration system or in the case of other Sunday cricket league a YCB transfer form must be completed and should be signed or approval obtained by email/text by one or both secretaries of the clubs involved and the player.

Rule 10b.

If the transfer is refused then the holding club must outline reason(s) for not allowing the transfer to take place within 7 days of the request to the league. If the club fails to provide reason(s) for the objection within the timescale the transfer will be allowed to take place, this also applies to clubs not member of the league. The player will not be able to participate during the 7 days period. Both the holding club and the player will be informed in writing of the
decision by the disciplinary panel. If the matter goes to appeal, the player will not participate in any games until the outcome of the appeal.

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