On behalf of the league we wish to thank Flix Sport who have kindly sponsored the 2nd league competition and donated a batting set.
After the success of the first competition and with the support of Flix Sports we are now able to offer this second competition with prizes worth £155.00.
The competition innings will start tomorrow and finish on the 30th May with the winner being announced on Sunday, 31st May 2020. Whoever answers the most question (out of 21) correctly will win the prizes. If we have joint winners, this time, we will have a live WhatsApp call to answer the final question to decide the winner. The topic of the final question will be shared on Saturday, 30th May to give the joint winners a chance to research.
Any registered playing members from both Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League and Dewsbury and District Sunday Cricket League can take part in the competition as well as umpiring officials and committee members not involved with the organisation of the competition.