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Government gives the green light for Recreational cricket

After evoking the third umpire the Government gave the go ahead last Friday for Recreational cricket to start from 11th July 2020 as part of the ECB road map to move towards the game being played at recreational level. ECB has confirmed the announcement by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was a moved to Step 4 on the road map for the return of recreational cricket and we are likely hear what type of cricket this will look like probably on Wednesday.

ECB Roadmap

The two keys aspects of step 4 that impact our league is the covid – 19 adapted game (the requirements needed for the game to be played) and the shorter format to play more fixtures. The committee met yesterday and the discussion was around the well being of its cricketing community and how we can mitigate any risk to prioritise the health and safety of the cricket family in all of our decision-making. It will come to us as no surprise that the BEM community has been affected by COVID-19 more so than other cricketing communities and for this reason we had to address these concerns by setting out clear protocols for individuals to act responsible.

The committee will publish protocols by next Monday covering three stages of the game:

  • Pre (before) Match (incl – Changing facilities, Public and private car park, use of toilets, showers and sports equipment)
  • During the Match (incl – Changing facilities, use of toilets, showers and sports equipment, Teas, cricket ball and celebration of wicket)
  • Post (after) Match ( incl – Changing facilities, Public and private car park, use of toilets, showers and sports equipment and return home to families)

The committee agreed to commence the season on the 19th July 2020 allowing all involved time to prepare and consult with players and ground providers. The committee also followed most mainstream leagues to cancel the cup competition for season 2020.


Averages will be calculated with a qualification of 4 completed games, 150+ runs and 10+ wickets.

Fixtures, Promotion and Relegation

Fixture structure would be maintained as available on website for all sections and would be updated once we have more details from ECB.

The committee also agreed to maintain the promotions and relegation between Premier Section and both Star and Crescent Sections as well as the championship title to maintain the competitiveness of the game to engage as many players as possible.

As things stand currently the league fixtures for Premier Section scheduled from the 12th July will now be played on the 19th July and every game would be moved on by a week until the scheduled final game, from the 16th August the fixture will remain the same as the website and handbook.

For both Crescent and Star section the scheduled fixture from 21st June will now be played on 19th July 2020 straight through until 30th August with play off on the 6th and 13th Sept. Subject to ECB guidance we have not decide on the championship deciding game, further information will be provided before the start of the season.


All umpires will be consulted if they wish to take part in officiating the games, particular force will be given to those in high risk groups. PPE (mask and gloves) will be provided to all umpires who assist with the games. The league expectation is to provide at least 1 umpire for each game and 2 where possible as we may have some umpires who may decide not umpire due to underlying health issues which we would fully support.

Umpires will receive appointments, umpires report card, league handbook, face mask, latex (non powder) gloves by next Wednesday. The appointments will also be posted on the website for member clubs to access.

Cricket Balls

The cricket ball order has been place and will be distributed from there locations Bradford, Dewsbury and Leeds. Deliver is expected later this week. Member clubs collecting cricket balls from Bradford will also receive a stock of handbooks, Members from Leeds and Dewsbury can also arrange to collect the handbooks.

Format of the game and players

Until we receive further guidance from ECB we can not confirm the number of overs, although step 4 does encourage our proposal of playing shorter format to play more fixtures and also waiting for ECB to confirm the number of playing that can participate, is it 6, 8 or 11 – all hopefully should be revealed on Wednesday.

Member clubs will decide on the format once we receive further information.

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