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EGM – Clubs decide on a compromise model

After concerns and confusion raised by members, the league committee agreed to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss the original two proposal plus another two proposal put forward by committee/clubs.

The message from the committee emphasised the importance of the league’s position in promoting cricket to the regional communities no matter what their background and to encourage these communities to create new teams to join the league. The league is not just about playing cricket, although it is its core aim but more importantly its about:

  • bringing together different communities regardless of their background
  • encouraging the young community on take up cricket or continue playing after junior cricket
  • Improving the well being of the cricketing community
  • detracting from unlawful activities and to give individuals a sense of belonging
  • Building other skills cricket gives – leadership, team working, planning, timekeeping etc.

The Executive Chairperson, Basharat Hussain explained each one of the four proposals through powerpoint presentation and the impact to the league both short and long term. Members clubs were given the opportunity to highlight the concerns for each one of the proposals.

Once the details of the four proposals were provided to the member clubs, it was agreed to take a vote for each one of the four proposal and not to consider the option of a secret ballot.

28 members were in attendance who voted as follows, taking into account the following aspects of the league constitution, (5 of the 7 absent members placed a proxy vote of which 4 out of 5 voted for proposal 4):

5b. Consideration shall be given to any proposed new rules or amendment(s) to existing rules at the AGM of the league or at a special meeting of the league called by 20 members clubs who would need to write directly to the league.  No alterations of the rules will be effective nor will any new rule(s) be made unless at least two thirds of the clubs present vote in favour.

Proposal 1 – 6 votes in favour (21%)

Proposal 2 – 0 vote in favour (0%)

Proposal 3 – 0 votes in favour (0%)

Proposal 4 – 22 votes in favour (79%)

It was agreed that proposal 4 is the way forward for the league to meet its objectives and the league structure will be uploaded on the league’s website on Sunday after the committee draws the structure based on season 2022 table standing.

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