AdilCo Cup – 1st Round, 26th May 2024

There is no qualification for this weekend cup competition games, clubs can play any registered players that comply with league’s player registration constitution.
Mohammed (Bill) Saddique Memorial Shield – 1st Round, 26th May 2024
There is no qualification for this Sunday games, clubs can play any registered players that comply with league’s player registration constitution.
Mohammed (Bill) Saddique Memorial Shield – Quarter Finals, 26th May 2024
Each player playing in the quarter finals should have played in one completed league game for the same club he is representing for the club to qualify, a player can only represent one club in each season and will be deemed cup tied if he then transfers to another club.
Rain affected cup and shield games
If a result cannot be determined because of weather conditions on the original specific date, the match shall continue on the following available (subject to ground availability) evenings/day. Where both teams cannot agree the match must be played over two evening before the next round.
Failure to re-arrange the fixture may result in both teams being eliminated from the cup or shield competition.
If the cup or Shield game can not be completed before the next round due to weather condition the result will be determined by a bowl out. Each team will field 5 ballers who will attempt to hit three stumps (wholly or in part) in turn with the other team. The team hitting the most number of stumps will be deemed as the winner. If all 5 ballers hit the stumps the next player (6 to 11) for each team will attempt to hit the stumps in turn, the first team to strike the stumps will be deemed the winner as long as both teams have balled the same number of balls.
Player Registration
A number of clubs have failed to comply with the player registration and transfer element of the constitution
- As highlight at the preseason meeting clubs can remove players from squad and league registered player as long as they have not played this season. As Methab explained on the WhatsApp group this week it is important for clubs to have good housekeeping and should remove players that they do not intend to play this season.
- Players that have played this season should not be taken of the squad and League Registered Player, if they wish to play for another club in the league but instead they must:
- Request for a transfer through the League’s Results and Registration WhatsApp group
- Complete the Transfer Form available on the league website
- Finally register with the new club through the clubs Play-Cricket site
- It is clubs responsibility to ensure the player they are signing has not played with any club in previous season or current season before sign them with their club. The league has been monitoring player registration and where clubs have breached the constitution they will be reports to the panel.
Oversea’s Amateur player
Clubs have contacted committee members for clarification and we wish to highlight the following:
Oversea’s amateur player can transfer within the same section as long as they have not played for one of the clubs in the same section during this season.
Oversea’s amateur player who have registered and played this season can request a transfer during the season before the transfer deadline as long as they sign up with a club in a different sections.
Player Transfer
A maximum of 2 players will be allowed to be transferred from Club A to Club B over the course of the season. This limit also applies if a player goes to an intermediate club from club A, before going on to register to Club B.
Players who have not played this season and their current club does not intend to play them this season do not need a transfer from the current club as long as club removes them from the Play-Cricket site for both Squad and League Registered Player. Please note the new club MUST NOT register the player until the player has been removed from the old club Play- Cricket site