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Covid – 19 (Corona) Virus – Updated No 2

We have been waiting for this guidance before communicating to our member clubs and players. As you know the situation is rapidly changing this may have to be updated again and will communicate changes at once through our website.

Update from ECB

The ECB held a conference call on Wednesday morning 18th March on the situation with regard to coronavirus and have issued a statement through Tom Harrison the CEO of CB copied below.

Dear all,

I write to update you all regarding the status of recreational cricket.

Following the Government’s latest advice around social distancing, it is with sadness and reluctance that we recommend that all forms of recreational cricket are for now suspended.

This extends to training, pre-season friendlies and any associated cricket activity. We have shared the following communication with Clubs and Leagues today:

Sport plays an absolutely vital role in the nation’s mental and physical wellbeing, and it helps people find meaning where there is fear and uncertainty, so one of our goals in the coming weeks will be to explore ways that we can support some levels of physical activity in communities – particularly at junior levels.

It will be critical that any decisions we do make are medically-led. We will continue to work with Government and their advisors and our brilliant people to ensure we are properly informed in our decision-making.

Using our cricket community to support others could be one of the most important services we can offer during the difficult weeks and months which lie ahead. Over the coming weeks we will work with the game to understand what support is required across the cricket community, particularly in local clubs and leagues – who will have such a huge role to play in our nation’s response to coming out of this situation.

Let’s look forward to that moment when we start to see children and players from across the game, playing cricket again – hopefully that moment is not too far away.

Please continue to stay close to us over this exceptionally difficult time.

Best wishes,


Sport England will shortly announce the postponement of recreational cricket for the moment. They are very conscious of the need to keep everyone active.

Medical advice is that the UK will likely move to more social distancing in an effort to reduce the vial spread so that the NHS is not overwhelmed.

We continue to monitor the ever-evolving and fast-moving situation regarding the Coronavirus outbreak in the UK.

We would encourage any cricket participants to continue to follow the widely-available public health guidance, with regards to people maintaining good hygiene to delay the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
We would also advise clubs to ensure washing facilities have appropriate provision of hygiene products and we urge participants to follow the public health guidance in environments where they are in close proximity to others.

If any participants, officials, or volunteers are feeling unwell, especially if they are presenting known symptoms of Coronavirus, please follow the government’s advice to self-isolate and therefore do not take part in cricket-related activities.

We will continue to update the wesbite with support from the England & Wales Cricket Board.

You may also wish to refer to the Government website, which is updated regularly:

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