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Annual General Meeting – Update

The first in person AGM took place on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 at Shipley College to elect the first league committee of the Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket league. The committee was elected on block as all the vacancies were not contested and the 6 body person will now take over from the interim committee.

The league finances were also approved and the balance was below the threshold so now normal fee will be charged to the teams for season 2022.

Basharat Hussain maintained his role at the Executive Chairperson
Mohammed Amir Majid also maintained his role as the Executive Vice Chairperson
Adil Mehmood also maintained his role at the Executive Finance Officer
Mehtab Afzal
Mehtab Afzal was elected for the role of Executive Results and Registration Officer
Muhammad Maan was elected to the role of Executive Chief Officer
Hasnain Mughal
Hasnain Mughal was elected to the role of Executive Umpires Officer

The members discussed the motions presented by some of the member clubs and the outcomes were as listed below.

Motioned Passed/Not passedConstitution Proposals
tickReview Points system to balance low scoring games
tickFree hit for all no balls (above Waist and front foot)
tickFor season 2023 league will consist of 3 divisions (Premier Section, Crescent Section and Star Section). In Season 2021 the top 5 teams from both Star & Crescent sections would qualify for Crescent Section and the bottom 5 teams from each sections would play in Star Section which will now be the third section.
crossTop two promoted with the highest points gaining title
crossIn the play off’s, top two play each other and the winner gains title, the loser plays the winner of second place winner and the winner of this match gains promotion
tickAll clubs to make their own tea arrangements, home team responsible for umpires
tickForfeited game will be allocated rained off points in the event if all games are rained off without a ball being bowled
tickIn the event any Eid fall on Sunday for the majority of the member clubs all games will be deemed rained off and 6 points will be awarded to all clubs.
crossCup final to be moved to 28th Aug and reserve day the 29th Aug.
tickExtend fielding restriction (30 yard circle) to cup and Crescent & Star Section
tickProposal to Introduce Shield competition (top 16 play in cup and the lower 14+ in the Shield) – standing in season 2021
crossProposal to Introduce midweek T20 competition
tickAllow a player to seek a 2nd transfer but only to a different section within the transfer window 
tickTo create Premier Section and Star/Crescent Umpires award consistent with player averages 
tick12 awards ticket and trophies free for all Champion teams, subject to league finance.
tickTransfer all scoring on to the play cricket live scorer – In person training will be provided and the league will work to embed the webpages within its own website for easier navigation.

It was agreed to produce new fixtures for season 2022 which will be issued on the 30th January 2022.

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