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Annual General Meeting Minutes

9th March 2021, 7.00pm – Google Meet

In challenging times the league held its first ever virtual meeting held over Google Meet, for most this was a new experience and one that was appreciated by its member clubs.

Apologies – Amaan Cricket Club

Executive Chairperson Report – Basharat Hussain thanked the committee members who were supported by members clubs to play competitive cricket in season 2020. As it was the leagues inauguration season it was important for the league to stake its place in promoting cricket in the region hence attracting the 7 new clubs who have become members for season 2021. The executive chairperson welcomed all new members to the league and their first meeting. The Chair and other committee members encouraged member clubs and their players to consider getting involved with assisting the administration of the league at its AGM in Nov 2021. Individual who feel they have the skills set and ambition to promote grassroot cricket can put themselves forward through any member clubs.

Re-elect the interim committee for a further 1 year term – The committee members agreed to continue in their positions for a further 1 year as an interim committee due to the current unprecedented situation which was supported by the member clubs. The league will hold elections at the planned AGM in Nov 2021.

Executive Finance Officer Report – Adil Mehmood explain to the members clubs the income and expenditure which was approved by the member clubs.

Sponsors Season 2021 – Adil Mehmood also thank our league sponsor for the forthcoming and previous season – LSD Signs, Sybiha Restaurant, Purewal and Whiterose Direct.

Proposed League Fees – Adil Mehmood explained to members clubs that due to a healthy carry forward balance and the pandemic it is likely to impact members club raising funds for the forthcoming season. He proposed the following reduction to support members clubs and maintain our commitment not to carry forward a large surplus. The reduction illustrated below were approved by the members clubs.

  • Membership Fee £30.00 (reduced from £50.00)
  • League Handbooks and Website £20.00 (reduced from £30.00)
  • YCB/ECB affiliation £30.00 (reduced from £70.00) subject to YCB confirmation
  • Cricket balls £11.00 per ball (reduced from £12.00 per ball)
  • Awards Ceremony Fee carried forwards from previous season
  • Proposed fee for year – £300.00 (Previous season £444.00) reduced by £144.00

Constitution Proposals

Extend player eligibility to include first class British county players that out of contract to participate in the league – Rationale : To allow British players of good standard the opportunity to continue to play at the highest standard after being released by their respective county – The proposal was not approved

Increase bowling limit to 12 over for maximum of 2 bowlers – Rationale : To add a strategic dimension to the game. The proposal was not approved

Top four in all sections to qualify for 100-ball tournament in the following season to be played on August Bank Holiday – Rationale, To increase the competitiveness and the opportunity for mid table teams to play for top 4 positions to keep the interest going to the end of the season. The proposal was approved

Proposal to extended the fielding restriction to all sections of the league – Rationale, the pilot of the fielding restriction introduced last season in the Premier Section was successful in removing the negative aspect of the game and increased the average number of scores in each match. The proposal was not approved

Proposal to increase rained off points to 6 points from 3 – Rationale member clubs do not have the same control over grounds a the hiring Saturday club and balances the point system. The proposal was approved

If the rained off rules is voted in to balance the points system we propose to increase the number of points for a tie to 8 – The probability of a tie result is very low and although not conventional with normal points system it allows the league to balance the system. The proposal was approved

The cup draws were completed.

Meeting closed at 8.26pm

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